It's a real treat to indulge in a beautiful pot of skin cream that promises to get rid of fine lines and prevent wrinkles - but sadly, dermatologists agree that all you will achieve is an empty wallet.

Although many of these creams contain vitamins called antioxidants, few have any effect in preventing or reversing damage to the skin caused by free radicals.


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Antioxidants counteract the damage that free radicals can do to skin cells. Free radicals are by-products of normal chemical reactions that occur in cells. Cosmetic creams do contain antioxidants - but as a preservative - to prevent the cream from spoiling. The concentrations are very low, don't absorb well into the skin and only have a short-term effect.


New research suggests that improved formulations of two main antioxidants may soon be available in a form that may be effectively delivered via the skin.


Selenium is a mineral which can help to protect the body from cancers. Recent studies have shown the if selenium is taken orally, it can provide protection against UV exposure. It has also been shown to maintain the elasticity of tissue and to slow down ageing. Dermatologists say that the results are promising but more studies on humans are needed.

If you can't wait that long, selenium is found in whole grain, seafood, garlic and eggs. Or you can take an oral daily supplement.


Dermatologists consider Vitamin E the most important antioxidant. It's known to protect cells and to prevent damage to enzymes associated with cells. Laboratory studies show that Vitamin E can help to make free radicals less able to cause damage to cells. Other studies say that Vitamin E applied to the skin can reduce damage by exposure to UV and may even limit the production of cells that may cause cancer.

Vitamin E cream is extremely cheap to buy. To include more Vitamin E in your diet, eat more vegetables and sunflower oils, grains, oats, nuts and dairy products. Dermatologists advise that taking an oral supplement of 400mg each day is known to reduce damage from UV, to reduce wrinkles and improve the texture of the skin.


Vitamin C (otherwise known as ascorbic acid) is the most prevalent antioxidant found in the body. It's required for effective synthesis of collagen which is responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin.

The body can't store Vitamin C and if constant supplies are not ingested, a deficiency quickly occurs. Creating a skin cream containing Vitamin C is difficult because it decreases when exposed to oxygen. Minimal exposure to UV can decrease the body's Vitamin C content by 30%. The ozone in city pollution can take this up to 50%.

Some medications can also lower the body's Vitamin C - Omeprazole (a drug to reduce stomach acid) can reduce it by two thirds.

Eating citrus fruit and taking supplements can help to optimize levels of Vitamin C. However, the body will only take what it needs at the time and then excrete the rest. For this reason, Vitamin C can cause diarrhea if taken to excess. Large doses can also cause acid indigestion which can be avoided by taking the supplement with a meal.


It would seem that, for the time being, better anti ageing can be achieved through the use of Vitamins and minerals in the diet - although you might like to indulge in a very inexpensive pot of Vitamin E cream!

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